Today, I was trying to further my whatnot for Briercrest, but the topic of school is not in regards to me, but to Christian, one of Gary's sons, who is having trouble getting into school. They're new to the area and with only two small schools in the area they now live, it's not easy to get in. His loving mother has been cleaning the classroom and doing other things to try to earn her son's way into school, but there has not been success yet. Please pray for Christian, as he is such a smart kid, and should be in school. Pray that his mom's scrubbing pays off in the end. Oh, and school has already started, by the way. If you're confused, they just got off summer vacation here. We're 6 months different as far as school goes.
Mission Timoteo has made a decision to not accept Mike and I as volunteers as a result of another individual asking to volunteer, having priority. It would be "too cramped with all of us." But that's ok. All the best to them, and we will still find ourselves busy. Actually, Talita Cumi is very interested in having us work with them! If you recognize the name "Talita Cumi," it's because it's the name of the orphanage I was going to work at if I was accepted by the EFCCM! I'm amused by this. So yeah, I guess I get to work there anyway!
Thank you for sharing your adventures on such a consistent basis, Son. You are a nice writer. By the way, what do the letters, EFCCM, stand for?