Sunday, November 21, 2010

3-Almost Ready

Well I'm happy to say that my seven minute speech last week went well, and my prayer and support team is growing. I made a group on facebook if you would like to join, if you are willing to pray for me and my mission and maybe even give financially to me. As of now, I have enough money to get there, and enough to fly back, but not enough to actually live there. I'm very excited about the future, whatever it looks like.

So now, I'm heading off to church, where I'm going to speak once again about Bolivia. I didn't have many coppies of my support letter, as my printer wasn't being kind to me. Not kind at all. But it looks like I'll have enough... I think. If you didn't get one, just facebook me, and I'll get one to you.

So any update on my departure?
Oh that question... knowing ahead of time is what Canadians are best at... most Canadians... I don't have a date set in stone still. I thought it would be the 5th that I would leave, but the 6th is Mike's birthday, and I'll be flying with him, and who wants to spend their birthday in an airport? So we might be leaving on the 3rd, or some other day around then. These are days in December I'm talking about, that is. So most things are all ready for the trip. Minus getting the tickets and having enough support to stay there, everything that can be done before going is done. I think. And that's exciting to say.

Snow! My brother, Nathan, left a warm winter coat here in Caronport, and I left my winter coat in Airdrie, thinking I'd be in Bolivia before the snow was on the ground and the air froze my latte to my coat... It's clean now though, Nathan!

I've kind of been feeling like I'm in transition right now. I've been getting a little involved with the Love Bus in Regina, and a tiny bit involved at Joe's Place in Moose Jaw, but I still feel like where God wants me is Bolivia, so I don't feel like it's fair to give myself to a misison in Saskatchewan. I'll be off soon! As soon as 12 days, and as late as 14 days... Wow! I'm so excited!

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