Monday, January 31, 2011
16- Soccer=Fun?
Friday, January 28, 2011
15-The Near Future
Sunday, January 23, 2011
14-Keeping Busy
So we slept at Ken's house last night. His friend is starting a home in Cochabamba, so he went there to help her out. We went furniture shopping yesterday morning, which was kind of fun, and we picked out a coffee table with a couch, love seat, and chair, which we carried around in the back of Ken's truck. Hopefully it was all ok for the 12 hour drive.
So the past couple days, we've been working with Gary's family, as I mentioned in another blog. Mike and I have fallen in love with this family and are always sad to leave. And 2 days ago, as happy as we were to be finished the house, we were sad to say goodbye.
We had some interesting adventures with them. When we were collecting bricks to make the floor, the kids were trying to be helpful and cut the bricks to fit, but a hammer isn't the most precise tool to cut a brick in half… The family was very generous and would often bring us out a glass of coca-cola. I've drank a LOT of pop these past days; especially for someone who doesn't really drink much pop at all! Anyways, one day, they brought us out a special drink that their mom makes out of corn. They call it "chichi" and it is sometimes alcoholic, but of course this glass wasn't. Mike and I weren't quite sure what to call it before we learned it's name, so we just called it "corn milk." We had both had it in our past adventures in Bolivia, but somehow we had forgotten how revolting it is! I was nervous about drinking it because I didn't know what the seed things were, or the big white mushy chunks (which, by the way, I did gag on). So we went on a little walk and discretely watered the grass with a common fake sip here and there. And of course, if you get a drink or really anything from a family who is excited about their new big house, no bigger than an average Canadian bedroom, you can't simply say "no thank you." It's interesting to see how things play out when you don't understand everything that people are saying. We were playing gringos vs. Bolivians in a soccer game with the kids until the neighbour kid got mad and took his ball and walked home. Apparently it was an aggressive game from his perspective… or something.
So that's a bit of what we've been doing. Please return in a couple days to get the latest.
Please Pray:
-For Marco and his wife, Corina, as some men came into their house with guns the other night and stole from them.
-For salvation of Marco's parents, and that this situation had a positive effect on them spiritually. (Apparently Marco's 78 year old dad was able to kick one of the guys away and knock the gun out of his hand. I thought that was cool). They shot at him, but nothing came out of the gun. The guns worked fine the next minute as they shot them in the air. Yay for loving intervention!
-A safe trip for Ken and Yimy on their drive back from Coch.
-For the continued fast language progression, as we're going to start more structured Spanish lessons on Monday or Tuesday… Maybe Wednesday.